Thursday, 25 March 2010

D is for Dog

A dog is a mans best friend or so they say. I'm not so sure.

Argentinian dogs LOVE to chase motorbikes and have a taste for English ankles. So you are always ready with your feet to fend them off. This one had the body swerve of Tevez and the ruthless single mindedness of Maradona. Crossing in front of me to get to the other leg, he didn't see my front wheel about to cut him in two. I braked - front only (rear brake foot waving free to ward him off remember). Front wheel locked up. Waving foot went to the ground to stop the fall and...

The Spanish for Cruciate Ligament is easy to work out, but I didn't follow all the other details. Looks like I am going to be riding in the Land Cruiser for the rest of the trip. Massive thanks to Dani for translating at the hospital, to Sigi for cooking me dinner and to Bruce and crew for doing my restaurant review. Apparently it was excellent.

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