Sunday, 21 March 2010

Saturday - El Chalten to ...

After a fantastic meal of fresh trout last night, it was hard to get up this morning for the ride. This next stretch has a bad reputation. The last group through got stuck in bad mud and took 8 hours to cover the 290 km. "El Jeffe" (Leo) had a crash here a few years back and woke up in hospital with a wrecked bike. So you can imagine it had reached epic proportions in the group mind.

It turned out to be fantastic. 110 km on good roads to a small petrol station. During which time we saw 1 other car. Then off road onto Ruta 40. Sweeping climbs and long straights through miles and miles of nothing. Just the odd Guanaco and lots of thorn bushes under a blue sky. The track had dried out and there was no mud, though you could see where it had been and were glad it had gone.

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